
Department of International Education of Saratov State Medical University

Training of national personnel for foreign countries is an important component of the interaction in the international arena and foreign economic activities of the Russian Federation. The degree of involvement of each specific university in the process of preparing highly qualified foreign specialists is an important rating indicator the level of this university in the global educational space. Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky is actively working to achieve the goals.


Currently, more than 1,000 foreign citizens from more than 60 countries receive training in the Department under the programs of Higher Professional Education and The Preparatory Course for Foreign Citizens.

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International students receive Higher Professional Education at SSMU in the following specialties:

Faculty of General Medicine

Duration of the programme: 6 years

Languages of instruction: Russian and English

Faculty of Dentistry

Duration of the programme: 5 years

Languages of instruction: Russian and English

Faculty of Pharmacy

Duration of the programme: 5 years

Languages of instruction: Russian and French

Faculty of Pediatrics

Duration of the programme: 6 years

Language of instruction: Russian

Faculty of Medical and Preventative Care

Duration of the programme: 6 years

Language of instruction: Russian

Faculty of Clinical Psychology

Duration of the programme: 5,5 years

Language of instruction: Russian

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Foreign citizens and stateless persons are accepted:

  • to places financed from the federal budget of the Russian Federation (in accordance with the approved enrollment target figures), including in accordance with international agreements - in the direction of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • in accordance with training agreements with individuals and (or) legal entities that provide for the payment of tuition fees.

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Department of International Education is a structural subdivision of the University, which fulfills the following tasks:

  • Organizes and coordinates educational process for foreign citizens under the programmes of Higher Education and Supplementary Education;

  • Conducts educational and academic work, organizes cultural, wellness and sporting events for international students;

  • Coordinates international students’ admission to semester and final state examinations;

  • Prepares academic certificates and other educational documents for international students;

  • Maintains contact with the parents and families of international students;

  • Maintains contact with graduates of the University residing abroad.

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The Department also trains foreign citizens who plan to enroll in Higher Education Programmes. The Preparatory Course for Foreign Citizens ensures undergraduate training for foreign citizens in Linguistics and field-oriented sciences such as Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Students can get deep knowledge that enables them to study successfully at the University further. The main aim of the Preparatory Course is to teach international students Russian language. After completion students will be able to speak Russian language and satisfy their main communicative needs in everyday, cultural, educational and professional spheres. At the end of the Preparatory Course students will successfully preform at the First Level Certificate (B1) that allows its holder to apply to a Russian University. Levels of the test of Russian as a Foreign Language are matched to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

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Foreign citizens are enrolled in the first year of the University by the Admissions in accordance with the current Admission Rules. The academic process is provided by more than 70 departments that cover all major areas of classical Medical and Pharmaceutical Education.

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The curricula provide international students with general educational and clinical subjects in the amount adopted by the Russian Higher Medical Education.

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During the training period, students undergo clinical practice in the city hospitals, which allows the University graduates to successfully adapt to their professional activities.

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Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky has a developed tutoring system. A tutor’s main task is to supervise the educational process of freshmen in close cooperation with the University administration. Tutors help international students in solving urgent, social, everyday and other problems. Each group of international students has a supervisor from among the staff of the Russian and Latin Languages Department.

ФОТО 10 ДЕП.jpgStudents live in comfortable dormitories with good security, where supervisors’ help is available. The tutor support and supervision system combined with the work of supervisors allow an international student to ask for help and support at any time.

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At the University, students have the opportunity to demonstrate their talents in numerous student club creative associations.

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The University regularly holds days celebrating national cultures.

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International students take an active part in creative events organized by their Alma Mater and the city authorities.

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International students actively participate in sports competitions at various levels from intra-university to all-Russian in volleyball, badminton, cricket, mini-football, darts, etc. The University has several gyms, a swimming pool, a summer sport and recreation camp and a winter sports camp.

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Many years of experience in teaching international students at the University ensures high quality of their professional training. This is proven by the fact that all University graduates successfully pass the State Certification Stage and efficiently work in various medical institutions in their home countries, as well as in Europe, the Middle East and America.