
According to the Russian legislation owners of foreign degrees or qualifications need to apply for credential evaluation\recognition. It`s the essential step when planning to study or to work abroad.

The foreign education and (or) qualifications recognition in the Russian Federation means the official confirmation of importance (level) acquired abroad education and (or) qualifications with granting academic, professional, and (or) other rights to the owners. The decision on recognition is taken by Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science (in abbreviated form - Rosobrnadzor).

For more detailed information on evaluating procedure, please visit the National Information Centre.

The Department of International Academic Mobility assists the students in submission of documents and obtaining the Certificate of equivalence.

If your diploma isn't recognized yet or you have a question about the recognition procedures of your degree, diploma or qualification contact us:

155e, Moskovskaya st., Saratov, II building of SSMU, 1st floor, Room Nr. 7(5)
tel:+7(8452) 39-38-28,
Working hours:
Monday–Friday 09:00–13:00

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